Frankfurt Preview 2013

The city of Frankfurt has a strong claim to the title of center of the book publishing universe. In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg developed movable type and the printing press at his studio in Frankfurt. In our own time, book authors and publishers, as well as...

Tilting To Fair Use

Waiting for the copyright trial of the century? Well, you could be waiting a while. The Google Books case, first brought by the Authors Guild in 2005, had once received that billing. But court observers today expect the lawsuit will end soon – and without an awful lot...

Open Access Is “Changing Behavior”

Since earlier this year, influential research funders have mandated “open access” publishing practices that are sparking dramatic re-tooling of longstanding business models. As scholarly and scientific publishers test new business models, the focus is on...

Google Book Case At 8

In a case first brought in 2005, the Authors Guild has accused Google of copyright infringement as a direct consequence of the Internet giant’s efforts to digitize the content of numerous university libraries, including Harvard’s. This week, in a final brief before...

Common Core Q&A

Whether you work in textbook publishing, trade books, or the news media, you are going have plenty of questions about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The new — some say, revolutionary — approach to learning has fueled a debate among teachers, administrators,...

Oil Mixes Well With Books

With summer in the rear-view mirror, and signs pointing straight ahead for “Holiday Season,” booksellers large and small are getting a preliminary read on the state of the industry 2013. This week, Len Riggio, Barnes & Noble Inc. chairman and largest stockholder,...

Best of BTB: Education, the Universe & Everything

Once upon a time, in schools everywhere, the textbook was the whole course.  That’s no longer the case, noted Bruce M. Spatz, Vice President of Strategic Development, Global Education at John Wiley and Sons, for an audience of textbook authors attending this...

Taking It Easy On Apple?

Her decision finding Apple liable in the e-book price-fixing case came swiftly and firmly enough, but Judge Denise Cote has recently shown Cupertino some measure of mercy. “The judge revealed this week that her final order would spare Apple on what she considered the...

School Bell Rings for Common Core

It’s back to school for students and teachers. Seating assignments and lesson plans aren’t all that’s new. Dramatic changes are coming to texts and tests. Beginning in 2014, 43 million K-12 public school students in 46 states will study to the Common Core State...