BTB #122: Return of The Campaign Poster

The historic 2008 Presidential campaign saw the revival of the campaign poster says historian Hal Wert, whose new book, Hope: A Collection of Obama Posters and Prints, just out from Zenith Press in Wisconsin, documents this phenomenon. The “old” form of the poster,...

BTB #120: Get To Work On Facebook

Facebook Can Get You Fired, warns Paul Dunay, social media heavy and B2B marketing savant. But the fast-growing worldwide crowd of online “friends” can also get you work or find you new customers, he says. Co-author of the new Facebook Marketing for Dummies, Dunay...

BTB #119: Textbook 2.0

Amazon’s launch of a “textbook-ready” Kindle aside, the news on technology and textbooks isn’t just about delivering content. Panelists for this year’s TAA Conference – including Roth Wilkofsky, President of the Arts and Sciences Communication, English, and Political...

BTB #118: Pledge Allegiance to Content Nation

One of this country’s leading information pundits tells Christopher Kenneally that it’s time to salute a new flag. John Blossom, author of Content Nation, explains how we all are going boldly into new frontiers online: “It’s not necessarily that people’s passports...

BTB #117: How AAP Explains The Settlement

In this session, recorded on July 15th, Chris Kenneally interviews Allan Adler, Vice President for Legal and Governmental Affairs for the AAP. Mr. Adler discusses the benefits of the proposed settlement; AAP’s reaction to the U.S. Dept. of Justice evaluating it...